

Kinesiology identifies physical issues and ailments linked to emotional pain and deep trauma stored in the body, sometimes held for many years. This treatment provides methods for releasing and clearing these stored negative emotions and allowing the whole body to rejuvenate. Kinesiology also identifies food and other intolerances that may be impeding the body’s natural function.


Massage provides a direct way to release tension and restore balance to the muscular system, thereby positively affecting all internal systems of the body. Karen has practiced deep tissue and relaxation massage for many years and combines this with her knowledge of Acupressure points to pinpoint and treat chronic ailments. Massage can also release emotional tension and reduce anxiety and depression by positively affecting the nervous and lymphatic systems of the body.


Karen integrates Reiki healing into all her treatments. This gentle therapy uses placement of hands on and around the energy centres of the body to promote deep relaxation and detoxification reducing stress and anxiety. Karen integrates this treatment with Colour and Sound Therapy.

Kinesiology is used to treat a wide range of problems associated with imbalance and stress, including:

  • Physical pain and discomfort such as headaches, migraines and muscle and joint pain
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Fatigue management including difficulties with sleep (Insomnia)
  • Food and other sensitivities
  • Digestive and immune conditions
  • Learning, memory and concentration difficulties
  • Lack of confidence and self-awareness
  • Understanding behavioural patterns and addictions
  • Perimenopause and Menopause symptoms
  • Fertility Issues

Some of the healing tools and techniques used in Kinesiology sessions:

  • Muscle Testing
  • Emotional Stress Release therapy
  • Acupressure and Meridian balancing
  • Holistic counselling
  • Gaining understanding and releasing attachment to negative past experiences or fear-based thinking that is not beneficial to the client.
  • Sound and Colour therapy
  • Lymphatic and Vascular Reflex and Holding points.
  • Goal setting, personal development and improving wellbeing.
  • Identifying specific nutritional needs
  • Lifestyle support